Reporting & Analysis

Do you know what to measure and how often?

Do you know what your numbers mean and what actions to take next?

Measure What Matters

To grow your business we need to do regular reporting and analysis to determine how your website and marketing are performing.


At a high level we want to do the following:

  • Collect data and present it in a simple and meaningful manner
  • Translate the data into answers to your top business questions
  • Provide prioritized data-driven action steps

How I can help you ...

Together we will determine the following:

  • Key numbers to report on (less is better)
  • Audience segments most important to your business
  • Success targets to benchmark our progress
  • How often to do reporting (weekly, monthly, quarterly)
  • Final report format (Data Studio, Spreadsheet, PPT, etc.)

Data Reporting Process

Identify Key Numbers to Report

Identify Top Audience Segments for Analysis

Determine Targets to benchmark progress

Determine how often to report on numbers.

Determine Report Format

The Three Pillars of Reporting and Analysis

Google Analytics search result on a smartphone


Man reviewing analytics report


Google Analytics Dashboard


All of your reporting and analysis should revolve around these areas:

  • ACQUISITION – How do visitors find your website?


  • BEHAVIOR – Where do visitors enter your website? What pages do they view the most? How do they move around your website?


  • OUTCOMES – What actions do people take? What macro/micro conversions do visitors cofmplete that are important to your business?

Take Action

People often look at their data trends (the ups and downs) and react (the smiles and frowns), but don’t take action.


Don’t let that be you.


Measure what matters and take action on our findings!

Ready to do better
Reporting and Analysis?

I want to help turn your Google Analytics data into business insights.